Baseline Chart PDF

Current FSX Baseline Data

DPF Air Pressure Baseline Cleaning Range Mastersheet - As measured on FSX Trap Tester™.
Baselines are continuously updated and subject to change.
Contact FSX to have your baseline data considered for inclusion.
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Customer provided baselines not yet verified by FSX.
Note: Pressure/airflow reading can vary due to temperature, humidity, altitude and DPF manufacturing variances as much as 0.3" w.g. In high altitude areas the variance can exceed 0.3" w.g.
FSX Target Pressure/Airflow Ranges
Use these target ranges in conjunction with the other inspection and testing methods described in your FSX DPF cleaning manual to evaluate filter recovery
Measure with dirty side up (flow arrow pointing down)

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* - All measurements are taken using an FSX TrapTester Air Flow Test Bench